Buy a Roto Forklift

Buy roto stackers with up to 7 tons lifting capacity and lifting heights of up to 39 meters


Magni RTH 5.21 SH E-Kit

€123.800,00 EUR
Up to 20.8 m
Lift height
17.4 m
5000 kg
Load capacity
1680 Operating hours
Year 2019

R 40.18 S

€93.870,00 EUR
Up to 17.6 m
Lift height
15 m
4000 kg
Load capacity
1652 Operating hours
Year 2019

R 50.21 S

€131.120,00 EUR
Up to 20.8 m
Lift height
18 m
4950 kg
Load capacity
1288 Operating hours
Year 2019

Roto 40.26 MCSS

€152.000,00 EUR
Up to 26.05 m
Lift height
22.9 m
4000 kg
Load capacity
2494 Operating hours
Year 2018

RTH 6.39 SH

€263.000,00 EUR
Up to 38.9 m
Lift height
36.9 m
6000 kg
Load capacity
2088 Operating hours
Year 2020

Buy young used roto stackers from Merlo and Magni

Buy young used telehandlers fromMerlo RotoandMagni: With us you will find moderntelehandlerin top condition, often with only a few operating hours. With variousyears of constructionare thesetelehandlerthe ideal solution for your construction site, be it in industry or in the construction industry. Choose thetypeand the equipment that best suits your project.

Why buy a used Roto telehandler?

Buying aused Roto telehandleroffers many advantages. You get a powerful machine like aMerlo RotoorMagni telehandlerat a cheaper price, often with only a few operating hours and in technically perfect condition. Usedtelehandlerare a cost-effective option for projects in theConstruction siteorindustry, because you can get high-quality devices like theRoto forkliftwithall-wheel driveandhydraulicadjustabletelescopic armfind.

Merlo Roto and Magni telehandlers: top brands in comparison

TheMerlo Roto telehandlerand theMagnimodels are among the leading devices in the market oftelehandler. BothManufactureroffer machines with outstandingload capacity, as well as versatileattachmentsHowcrane hookandwork platform preparation. AtManitouandMerlo telehandleryou benefit from modernradio remote controlandall-wheel steeringthat make your projects more efficient and secure.

Used Merlo Roto telehandlers: flexibility and efficiency

Aused Merlo Rotooffers flexibility on everyConstruction site. With its rotatingsuperstructureand onehorizontalWith a range of up to 30 meters, it is suitable for a wide range of applications inindustryandBuildingoptimal. Thistelehandlercan be achieved by combiningcrane-like abilities and the fasttransportcan be used in a particularly versatile manner.

Rent or buy Roto telehandler? Find the right solution

Whether you decide to have atelescopic forklift MerloorManitoutobuy usedor renting depends on your project. Both options give you access to modernmachine telescopic loader roto, with which you can respond to requirements at short notice.Rentoffers the flexibility to try out different models while thepurchaselong-term investments inRoto telescopic forkliftsupports.

Additional functions: winch and crane use on Roto telescopic forklifts

The Roto telescopic forklifts fromMerloandMagniare often withhydraulicfunctions to move loads with high precision. Thanks tocrane hook,windsandradio-controlledThese machines are particularly suitable for working at great heights and on uneventerrain.

How it works

These are your next steps

further questions and answers

Step 1: Select Rotostapler yourself or get advice

Start right here on our website and browse our extensive Rotostapler range.

Are you unsure which device is right for your project? We are happy to advise you - just contact us!

Step 2: Request a price for your project

Rotostapler found? Then request an individual price offer.

Select the desired rental period directly online and give us all relevant details about your project during the inquiry process so that we can make you the best possible offer.

Of course, you can also inquire by phone, email or via our contact form.

Step 3: Confirm your individual offer

After your inquiry, we will send you a tailor-made offer that is precisely tailored to your project requirements.

Please review the details and confirm the offer to proceed.

Step 4: We deliver on time and you work with it

After confirmation, we will deliver your Rotostapler directly to your location. You can start working immediately and benefit from our modern and reliable technology.

Of course, you can also pick up the device from us yourself if you have informed us in advance.

Step 5: Return

After the rental period and your work have ended, we will collect your rented equipment or you can return it – depending on your preferences.

Tip: If you would like to extend the rental period, just let us know in good time.

Why you should rent or buy from us

We are experts in height access technology

Benefit from our expertise in the rental and sale of high-quality work platforms and forklifts. All of our rental equipment meets the highest safety standards thanks to the SYSTEM LIFT quality seal. Equipment from the BIBERGER rental fleet is also equipped with advanced digital access control to ensure optimal safety and efficiency.

We offer you a large selection of Rotostapler

With us you will find Rotostapler for every working height, depending on the type optionally with special accessories, attachments that are available throughout Germany. You also have the option of changing the device at any time in order to be able to respond optimally to the requirements of your project.

We offer you comprehensive services related to work platforms and forklifts

With us you get more than "just" rental and sales: Our comprehensive services include professional training , regular UVV inspections and reliable maintenance and repair services from our qualified team of technicians. In addition, with our flexible transport logistics we ensure that your equipment is always where you need it.

Other used machines

Do you have any questions about Rotostapler renting or buying?

Contact our experts