guides and news

Here you can find out more about our work with aerial work platforms and forklifts . We will show you how our machines make your projects easier and safer. We will also give you tips on correct handling, maintenance and the latest trends in the industry.

Genie Lift Arbeitsbühnen – Warum sie in der Vermietung so beliebt sind - BIBERGER

Genie Lift Work Platforms – Why They Are So Popular in Rental

Rental companies need to consider several factors when selecting their machines: cost-effectiveness, ease of maintenance and versatility. Genie-Lift aerial work platforms have established themselves as a reliable solution in this area. They cover a wide range of applications and offer...

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Brückeninspektion nach DIN 1076: Vorschriften, Ablauf und Technik - BIBERGER

Bridge inspection according to DIN 1076: regulations, procedure and technology

The partial collapse of the Carola Bridge in Dresden in September 2024 tragically demonstrated the importance of regular bridge inspections . Fortunately, no one was injured, but the incident clearly shows the consequences that undetected damage can have. Bridges are...

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Alles, was du über Teleskopstapler wissen musst – Führerschein, Kosten & Co. - BIBERGER

Everything you need to know about telehandlers – driving license, costs, etc.

Telehandlers are among the most versatile machines on construction sites, in agriculture and in the commercial sector. They combine the functions of a forklift, crane and wheel loader and impress with their telescopic arm, which is rigid or rotatable depending...

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Alles zur jährlichen Unterweisung für Bediener von Hubarbeitsbühnen - BIBERGER

Everything you need to know about the annual training for operators of aerial work platforms

Aerial work platforms are versatile helpers on construction sites, in industry and in maintenance. But anyone who wants to operate them also bears a great deal of responsibility. Incorrect operation can result in serious accidents. This is precisely why annual...

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Baustellenkoordination: Das sind Gewerke im Bau und so arbeiten sie zusammen - BIBERGER

Construction site coordination: These are the trades in construction and how they work together

Whether building a single-family home or a huge office complex – cooperation between different trades is the key to success. From the first groundbreaking in the shell construction to precise drywall work to the final coat of paint in the...

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Stapler mit Fahrer mieten: Für wen ist das sinnvoll? - BIBERGER

Renting a forklift with driver: Who does it make sense for?

In the construction industry, lifting work is often demanding, as specialized forklifts such as telehandlers or rotary forklifts ( roto-stackers ) are often used. These machines offer enormous flexibility, but also require in-depth knowledge when operating them. Not every company...

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Smart Rental: Wie Mietmaschinen deine Projekte effizienter machen - BIBERGER

Smart Rental: How rental machines make your projects more efficient

Every minute counts on construction sites – and the right machine often determines how productively a project progresses. But buying expensive construction machinery is not always worthwhile, especially for short-term or changing assignments. Rental machines are ideal in many cases:...

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Die Maschinenbruchversicherung: Umfang, Kosten und Vorteile - BIBERGER

Machinery Breakdown Insurance: Scope, Costs and Benefits

Machines and systems are indispensable in manufacturing and production operations - be it in industry, on construction sites or when renting work platforms or other construction machinery. But unforeseen damage can cause high costs. This is where machine breakdown insurance...

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Gelände-Arbeitsbühnen: sicherer Stand für Baustellen und anspruchsvolle Projekte - BIBERGER

Off-road work platforms: safe standing for construction sites and demanding projects

Off-road work platforms are the first choice when work is to be carried out in difficult terrain. With their crawler chassis and sophisticated technology, they can handle even the most difficult of locations. But who needs such work platforms, when...

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Die Almac BIBI 1090-BL EVO kann man jetzt mieten - BIBERGER

The Almac BIBI 1090-BL EVO is now available for rent

The latest addition to our rental fleet of over 1,000 units is the Almac BIBI 1090-BL EVO – a scissor lift specifically designed for demanding projects. With its platform extension and robust crawler chassis , this aerial work platform offers...

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Hebebühnen Führerschein 2025: Wer braucht ihn und warum? - BIBERGER

Lifting platform license 2025: Who needs it and why?

Lifting platforms have become indispensable in many industries, such as the construction industry or building cleaning. To ensure that these important tools are used safely and efficiently, operators must have a lifting platform license (lifting platform license). This qualification is...

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Wendekreis verstehen: So wählst du das passende Gerät - BIBERGER

Understanding the turning circle: How to choose the right device

The turning circle is an often underestimated but crucial factor when selecting work platforms and forklifts. It determines how much space a device needs to maneuver and thus directly influences the possible uses - especially in narrow or very restricted...

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Alle Infos zum Kranschein

Getting a crane license: Theory and practice for prospective crane operators

Are you about to get your crane license ? Here you will find out what the crane license is, how the training and examination take place and what costs you can expect. Introduction What is the crane license? A crane...

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Außenwerbung sicher anbringen: Was ist bei der Montage von Banner, Werbetafel und Schildern zu beachten? - BIBERGER

Install outdoor advertising safely: What should you consider when installing banners, billboards and signs?

Professionally mounted outdoor advertising is crucial for presenting advertising messages effectively and safely. Whether it's a banner, billboard or company sign - the right mounting ensures that the advertising material remains stable and always clearly visible, even in changing weather...

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Sind alle Arbeitsbühnen kranbar? – Die wichtigsten Fakten zur Kranbarkeit - BIBERGER

Can all work platforms be craned? – The most important facts about craneability

The use of craneable work platforms is indispensable on many construction sites, especially when tight spaces or differences in height make access difficult. However, not all work platforms are craneable as standard, and there are important factors that should be...

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Solarpark bauen: Welche Maschinen werden für den Aufbau benötigt? - BIBERGER

Building a solar park: What machines are needed for construction?

The construction of a solar park is a complex project that requires careful planning and the use of special machinery. Solar parks are not only an important source of renewable energy, but also an important step towards the energy transition....

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Effizienter Auf- und Abbau beim Oktoberfest: Welche Maschinen kommen in München 2024 zum Einsatz? - BIBERGER

Efficient setup and dismantling at the Oktoberfest: Which machines will be used in Munich in 2024?

The Munich Oktoberfest is the largest folk festival in the world and places high demands on the logistics and the machines used. Here is an overview of the use of forklifts , rotating telescopic forklifts , cranes and work platforms...

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Gabelstapler neu oder gebraucht kaufen? Darauf solltest du bei Gebrauchtstaplern achten - BIBERGER

Buy a new or used forklift? What you should look out for when buying a used forklift

For many companies, buying a used forklift can be a cost-effective alternative to new equipment. Used forklifts often offer the same functionality as new models, but at a significantly lower purchase price. But before you decide on a used forklift,...

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Effizienter Baumschnitt mit Arbeitsbühnen: die richtige Bühne für die Baumpflege finden - BIBERGER

Efficient tree pruning with work platforms: finding the right platform for tree care

Professional tree trimming requires not only specialist knowledge, but also the right equipment. Work platforms offer the ideal solution for working safely and efficiently at great heights. But which platform is suitable for which task? The choice depends on various...

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Mobilfunkanlagen montieren: Sichere Montage an Dächern, Mobilfunkmasten und Sendemasten  - BIBERGER

Installing mobile radio systems: Safe installation on roofs, mobile phone masts and transmission towers

The installation of mobile phone systems on roofs, cell phone masts and transmission towers requires not only specialist knowledge, but also the right equipment. Work platforms are indispensable aids in enabling fitters to safely access difficult-to-reach heights. In this guide,...

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Arbeitsbühnen auf der Baustelle: Die Einsatzmöglichkeiten  - BIBERGER

Work platforms on the construction site: The possible uses

Working at heights is commonplace on construction sites - whether it's assembly work, facade construction or maintenance work. The question often arises as to which type of work platform is best suited for the respective application. Different conditions, such as...

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Diesel oder Elektrostapler

Forklifts: Diesel or electric forklifts: Which drive is better?

When choosing the right forklift for your company, you will certainly ask yourself whether a diesel forklift or an electric forklift is better for you. Both types of drive offer specific advantages that can be decisive depending on the area...

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Was tun, wenn die Arbeitsbühne stillsteht? Fehlerbehebung an Arbeitsbühnen  - BIBERGER

What to do if the work platform stops? Troubleshooting work platforms

Have you rented or bought a work platform for the first time and nothing happens when you use it for the first time? This can be unsettling, but don't worry - it happens more often than you think and can...

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Jetzt bis zu 57 Meter Arbeitshöhe erreichen: Genie SX 180 mieten - BIBERGER

Now reach up to 57 meters working height: rent Genie SX 180

It is the new highlight in the BIBERGER rental park – the Genie SX 180 telescopic work platform. This impressive machine allows you to effortlessly reach working heights of up to 57 metres. Whether you are working on large construction...

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